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Death is a Star - The Clash

And I was gripped by that deadly phantom
I followed him through hard jungles

As he stalked through the back lots

Strangling through the night shades

The thief of life

Moved onwards and outwards to love

In a one stop only motel

A storm bangs on the cheapest room

The phantom slips in to spill blood

Even on the sweetest honeymoon

The killer of love

Caught the last late Niagara bus

By chance or escaping from misery

Bu suddeness or in answer to pain

Smoking in the dark cinema

You could see the bad go down again

And the clouds are high in Spanish mountains

And a Ford roars through the night full of rain.

The killer's blood flows

But he loads his gun again

Make a grown man cry like a girl

To see the guns dying at sunset

In vain lovers claimed

But they never had met.

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